Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


tolerate things

my friends told me I always tolerate many things

"ah,..elo sich semua bisa ditolerir"

..is that a bad thing?..
kadang males aja mempermasalahkan hal-hal kecil yang gak penting, masih banyak hal-hal lain yang perlu diurusin, tapi sebenernya kata-kata temenku itu lumayan bikin aku terhenyak.

Is it I'm playing: I'm-a-very-patient-person-role?
Am I really that patient?

Sebenernya aku gak sabar-sabar amat sich, I just like to 'hold on my feelings' atau tepatnya menahan diri... menahan perasaan, yah seperti itu lah.. sekarang sich udah bisa lebih asertif, dibandingkan bbrp tahun lalu. I speak my mind,still I'm trying to be a patient person...
Try not to explode. I know that sometimes, people need to release and express their feelings, such as: anger, happiness, excitement..

For me: I'd rather think about things silently, then just be with my self for a while, try to figure out why things happen...and find solutions. I just don't want to be driven with my emotions and anger, which gonna lead me to make an emotional decision. (though sometimes it still happens)

Well, I think everyone has their own way.. in taking and accepting things. What about you?

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