Have u ever wish that you could turn back time, to a moment when you still have some regrets, and do it all over again? well, this movie is about that.. though the Leading Character isn't coming back to the past, but he's turning into a 17-year-old-boy again! The 'Adult' Mike O Donnel (Matthew Perry-Chandler nya Friends) turns into 17-year-old handsome-georgeous Zac Efron (just realized how handsome he is in this movie :p)
Well, besides the face of Zac Efron all over the movie (which is very..ehm..good) that makes this movie is one of must-watched movie :p I think there are some interesting things about the movie...
The story is about a guy whose life didn't quite turn out how he wanted it to and wishes he could go back to high school and change it. He wakes up one day and is seventeen again and gets the chance to rewrite his life.
What I think about the movie, it's pretty romantic actually.
When the teenage Mike finds out that his girlfriend was pregnant, he decided to give up on college, and instead marry his girlfriend. But it turns out that during his late thirties, he has some regrets about his life and that makes him don't appreciate his life enough.
His wife feels that Mike changed, that he doesn't care as much anymore, and she feels like she's part of Mike's regret in life...Mike is wondering, what if he took college, maybe his career will be better....
Setelah tiba-tiba secara ajaib berubah jadi remaja cowok umur 17-tahun- with that good looking face + popular (jago maen basket pula. yahh high school thing) dia bisa melihat masalahnya dengan lebih jelas. Bahkan dia menemukan masalah-masalah yang sebelumnya gak dia duga.. ternyata anaknya yang cowok, gak berhasil jadi tim basket dan dianggap 'loser' sama temen-temennya, trus anaknya yang cewek pacaran sama seorang cowok yang gak bener.. a.k.a JERK, dan dia kaget banget.. ternyata banyak hal yang gak dia ketahui. Istrinya yang udah minta cerai karena gak tahan sama Mike yang terus menyesali hidup, ternyata sebenernya masih sayang sama Mike cuma merasa tersisih dan jadi bagian dari penyesalan Mike....
Mike jadi melihat masalah yang sebenarnya, dan menyadari bahwa mungkin ini adalah kesempatan bagi Mike untuk menyelamatkan keluarganya..
Lucu aja waktu Mike yang remaja (who is still madly in love with his wife) curi2 kesempatan buat berdansa sama istrinya (yang akhirnya dikira remaja cowok yang punya oedipus complex dan suka godain ibu temennya), trus waktu Mike remaja menghibur anaknya sendiri, yang akhirnya jadi naksir berat sama Mike (padahal bapaknya sendiri!)
the movie is pretty entertaining.
tapi Quote yang paling berkesan adalah ketika Mike remaja menghibur putrinya yang baru patah hati:
"When you're young everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not; it's just the beginning. You might have to meet a few more jerks, but one day you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated. Like the sun rises and sets with you."
that's a very nice quote... Ketika kita masih muda, rasanya suatu masalah seperti akhir dari dunia... kita merasa dunia kita hanya apa yang ada di depan mata. Ketika patah hati, ketika jatuh cinta... rasanya dunia itu ya apa yang kita hadapi, padahal kenyataannya.... the world is wider than that...sayangnya remaja suka gak pikir panjang, dan kadang membawa ke hal-hal yang negatif...(atau pun pada sebagian orang dewasa)
I remember the first time when my heart was broken. Pertama kali patah hati, rasanya dunia mau runtuh. There was nothing you can do to make me feel better. I remember when I truly fall in love for the first time *which I though was love*, it feels like everything. And when I lost it, my world is tumbling apart.. intinya dunia hancuuurr dehh,,rasanya mending gak usah hidup aja deh.. like it is the end of the world. hehe, i still remember .. on my 17th birthday, I was crying on my birthday party. Just because.. someone wasn't there, who I expected to be there. I feel like I lost everything in my life. That my life was worthless...
I kept on living with the hurt feelings, the memories of him, for like years! I was so stupid..
and believe it or not, a few years later, I got that second chance. Finally a chance to be with him. that special someone I've been waiting for years.
At first, it was like a dream come true.
But it didn't turn out quite well.
I found that that he's not what I need.
And probably, I'm not what he needs.
He didn't treat me well enough.
In the end I realized that we're not meant to be for each other.
Well, I learned a lesson.
I realized, probably God has given me that chance so that I know. And I can finally fully over him.
Seeing the stories in my life. Sometimes it's just so unbelievable. People that came into my life.
Some people that I thought they were going to be someone I am gonna be with forever. Someone that I finally found. well, I believe that they are someone that God sent on purpose, and I will never regret a thing.
I feel glad for everything that I've been through.
Cos those experiences have given me so many lessons.
I lost people that I love.
I lost my youngest sister.
And I realized the pain that I felt as a broken-hearted-teenager was nothing.
Compared to the grief I felt after losing my sister.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
They taught me a lot. and I'm very grateful
Now that I appreciate life even more.
Appreciate people who love me.
I can Love with all my heart.
I guess we all learn from our past.
So, maybe after watching this movie, you are going to do more self-reflections. Remembering your 17-year-old moment. Your past. Your regrets.
Hopefully you could appreciate life more :)
Happy Watching!
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