Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Only God Knows

It is so horrible, when you see someone that you love hurts other person that you love. Actually, it hurts you as well in a way that is hard to describe. Gosh, sometimes I cannot stop questioning. Why does it must happen this way? What is my mistake? Which way should I take..?

Only God Knows, I don't know anything. But I believe that everything happens for a reason. And God must have the Plan for me.. karena semua yang terjadi, terjadi karena kehendakNya. Kun FayaKun, tidak ada yang tidak mungkin bagi Allah swt. Aku, sebagai manusia biasa, yang tak berdaya hanya dapat berusaha dan bertawakal... serta ikhlas dan rela menerima segala ketentuanNya. Ya Allah semoga Engkau melapangkan Hati ini..dan menunjukkan jalan yang terbaik. Amin.

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