Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Magic of Numbers

Hey, today is 9th of September 2oo9

Two of my good friends are getting married today!
Some parents, try to set their children date of birth today.. :)

Well, I remember about 5 years ago, I had the wish (or hope) to get married on 8th of August 2008 (08-08-08) but...It did not happen :) and.. today is not my wedding day as well... :p

so,, do u think I might have the possibilities for 10.10.10 hehe??
or 11.11.11 until 12.12.12

atau alternatifnya:
20.09.2009 (hmm...agak gak mungkin yah :p)
atau 20.10.2010 sampai 20.12.2012
waduh kok semua batas akhirnya 2012 yah.. hehe..

Well, Just a thought.
Kalo soal tanggal, waktu, jodoh menikah, semua udah diatur juga oleh yang maha kuasa.. :)
jadi berdoa untuk waktu yang terbaik aja..dan bisa menjalani dengan baik juga pastinya,
it's not really (only) about the date anyway :D

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