I think marriage is a BIG thing. Really..
I used to have a wish to get married by the age of 23. Or after I graduated from university.
But then I have to face the reality that I'm not married yet. And the more I grow older.. It really took a lot of thinking to decide to get married..
Well I'm almost 25 years old now :) I think it's enough age to get married.. But who knows?? Marriage is a big responsibility :)
Well I have 2 older sister who got married by the age 20 and 23. So I got the longest record till now -_- but it's fine.. It's my time to do everything I wanna do before I finally dedicate my life, my time to my own family - future husband and children - insyaAllah :)
Dear God.. I believe you have the best plan and time for me.
Halo Adeke,
BalasHapusGw pernah berkunjung ke blog ini setahun yg lalu
http://insideadeke.blogspot.com/2010/03/theres-always-two-sides-of-every-story.html Gw ketemu link ini waktu googling nama sendiri wkwkwk...
Sorry, gw nangkep kesan kamu takut jadi perawan tua?
hallo juga...wah bkn masalah gtu, tp ttg impian aja sich.. daridulu berniat nikah muda :p tp seiring waktu sibuk kerja jg, dan ternyata byk hal yg harus dipersiapkan utk menikah... ya jd gak terlalu kepikiran/ sedih bgt..
BalasHapuslagipula, im not that old :p hehehe.. ya makanya bersyukur aja, nikmati dl saat ini.. insyaAllah dikasi rejeki menikah pd saat yang terbaik.