Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


marriage :)

I think marriage is a BIG thing. Really..
I used to have a wish to get married by the age of 23. Or after I graduated from university.

But then I have to face the reality that I'm not married yet. And the more I grow older.. It really took a lot of thinking to decide to get married..

Well I'm almost 25 years old now :) I think it's enough age to get married.. But who knows?? Marriage is a big responsibility :)

Well I have 2 older sister who got married by the age 20 and 23. So I got the longest record till now -_- but it's fine.. It's my time to do everything I wanna do before I finally dedicate my life, my time to my own family - future husband and children - insyaAllah :)

Dear God.. I believe you have the best plan and time for me.

my dearest blog

it's sunday!! Tomorrow is monday.. Hopefully everything runs well and I'll be okay..
Start another routine. I hope it won't kill my creativity.. :D

I think I'm gonna have vacation by the end of this year, or maybe early next year.. My first day off!! Yeay..

I really want to go to paris.. Oh can I go there next year?? Hmm.. Or maybe next two years? *nawar*

Bismillah.. Mudah"an ada rezeki.. Amiiin.. Pengen jg pergi Umroh :)

Kebanyakan keinginan gak sich???
Mudah"an doanya didengar dan dikabulkan Allah.. Amiiinn.. :)

me myself and i

Trust myself. I won't dissapoint me :p
Trust myself. I won't broke my promises :p
Trust myself. I won't cheat behind my back :p
How I love myself :)

2,5 years

So.. Where are we going?
I know that we have big dreams and wishes..
God must have the best plan for us.
All I know is I'm thankful for having you in my life..

I know that none of us is perfect. We have flaw. But we make us perfect for each other. But I know that nothing really last forever.

Sometimes we fight. Hate and mad at each other. Sometimes we got bored. Sometimes we feel like we wanna give up.

But everytime we say goodbye. It hurts a lot and it's too hard to face..

Now tell me, if you're not the one then why am I holding on? Why didn't I left at the first place when I know our way isn't easy. But I stay though sometimes u said I didn't try.. But I tried..

Is it a blind love?
Is it wrong?
If it is then please let this feeling go.
If it's right, please let it stay and show us the way..


mellow saturday night

*galau* kalo kata orang"..
Well I'm here you're there..


saturday night

the more you love someone

The more you have expectation from them. Or is it not love?
So what is it?
Sometimes I just don't wanna believe in love.
But sometimes I really feel it's real. But what is real?
Sometimes I feel love is such an illusion. It's not real.
What is love?
I think I just never find the answer for this question.
Or should I just stop asking?
And just feel it..

a lot stories will be told :)

My dearest blog!!!! How I miss you so much. Miss writing here instead of writing that small characters in twitterland. Sorry for ignoring u for a while :)
Now I'm back with a lotttt storiesss!!! :)

Well it's my 6th months in Balikpapan!!!! Yeay!! I still survive..

Since sept, 30th until now so it is my 6th months here!!!

What has happened?? A lot!! Haven't went to Jakarta in 2 months. Still living in my rent room, alias kamar kos-kosan :) yang lumayaaan kondusif krn bisa jalan kaki cm 10 menit sampe kantor.

It's a wonderful life here since NO traffic jam. Kota yang enak dan nyaman krn komplit dengan segala hal yg kubutuhkan ;)

Dimana ada bodyshop, starbucks (I don't really drink coffee),gramedia, XXI (too bad film asing bakal dibatasi) what else u name it? And this city has amazing sea food!!!! Yumm.. Delicious crab, shrimp, fishes.

I think I'm in ♥ with this city :)
Alhamdulillah so far betah...

About my uda ♥ just got news he's about to move to Kuala Lumpur. I just found out last month. And in about a week he'll move from Medan to KL city. As he just assigned to manage his office branch there hopefully everything runs well for him :)

Still in a long distance. But so far we survived :)

About my job!
Well being bank officer in a largest bank in Indonesia *maaf agak narsis* penuh suka duka tentunya.
Suka kalo pas tgl udah belasan, banknya mulai sepi. Ga haus dan dahaga krn koar" sepanjang hari.. Hehe
Suka kalo ktm nasabah yang baik hati dan rajin menabung :D hehe
Well so far menyenangkan sich. Bener" belajar handling people. Managing emotion. Sabaaar sabaaar dan sabaaar ;)

Tapi dampaknya jadi ingin didengarkan dan diperhatikan si *someone* krn sepanjang waktu memperhatikan orang lain.. *maaf yah*

Anyways living a great life here.
It's a struggle

But it gets better.
So Hello life!!! I'm ready to rock!