after all those sleepless nights,
finally we go through our 5th of February..
Grateful for everything, though our way is not that smooth,
arranging long distance wedding ceremony,
but Thankful for every support and effort from our parents and family :)
Many surprises: Bapak & Ibu Prof Emil Salim could come, and become the witness for our Akad Nikah (saksi nikah). What a nice surprise :)
and my friend John, could finally made it and became the Wedding Cake MC for us.. Really thankful :)
Thank you very much for all of our family, our parents, brothers, sisters, everyone who supported us and give us prayer, that we finally could get through one new step in our life..
this is not the end of the journey, but it's a brand new beginning :)
wish us luck..
May we could become Sakinah, Mawaddah, Warahmah Family.. amin
lots of love
-adeke & edo -