Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Harry Potter

Just watch the final episode of Harry Potter Movie :)

Overall it's a great movie...
:) really meet my expectation...

Sedih senang seru menegangkan..
semua ada di harry potter 7 ini

Selama bertahun tahun mengikuti seri film ini,
rasanya seri terakhir ini bener-bener memuaskan :)

Menyentuh hati, membuat nangis, membuat tersenyum,,,

Time flies..

Harry Potter bocah ajaib sang penyihir yang sudah menyihir hati saya dan jutaan fans lainnya..

pertama kali aku mengenalnya saat masih duduk di bangku smp atau smu...
Hingga kini, seri terakhirnya..

Melihat Harry, Ron dan Hermione,
melihat hogwarts,
melihat Albus Severus Potter :)

Oh, Harry.. thanks for being there for me,
when I was just a little girl who needs magic in my life..

Congratulations J.K. Rowling, you made a life-time memory for millions of children in the world...

I hope there will be another magical book like Harry Potter.


Almost the end of July...

Wah wah bener bener ya waktu gak berasa... rupanya skrg udah akhir July aja,
minggu dpn udah mau puasa.. tepat nya tgl 1 Agustus 2011...

Dan tanggal 30 Juli nanti tepat 10 bulan aku tinggal di Balikpapan :) hehehe

So far keadaan baik-baik aja, jauh dari keluarga, jauh dari *ehem* berLDR ria, for almost like.... 1,5 year yah... ehhh kok jadi lupa sich, oya my uda thn 2010 lalu pindah ke Medan, tepatnya bulan Maret 2010. Dan bulan September 2010 kmrn aku ke Balikpapan...

Jadi terpisah Sumatera dan Kalimantan :)

Trus Maret 2011 kemarin uda pindah ke Kuala Lumpur, still at the same office... and I'm still here in Balikpapan.. one great thing about him moving to KL is that now we're in the same time zone :)

Paling tidak waktu gak jadi kendala lagi, di saat lagi ngantuk banget, smentara si dia nya masih waktu WIB :D hehehe....

Ngomong ngomong soal LDR, yang pasti saat ini THANKS to Internet, Blackberry, Skype that make this relationship much more possible :)
To be honest, awal awal jarak jauh, di saat si uda udah punya bb dan saya belom punya bb, cm mengandalkan telfon dan sms, kadang jd susah aja utk saling contact... ya sejak ada BB at least we can contact at any time and don't feel like dicuekin spt halnya kalo sms ga dibales yah hehehe

Jadi thanks to BB.
Trus baru bbrp bulan ini saya ber-skype ria yang juga VERY helpful for our communication. Since ga cuma texting like bb, dan dimana saat ini kan kita gak bisa bertelfon ria setiap saat, scr balikpapan-KL lumayan pulsa cpt habis.. hehehe..

Jadilah si SKYPE ini jadi our hero. Sempet lho lagi seneng-senengnya pake skype, krn bisa free call dan video call...ehhh modem saya rusak gak tau gmn gak bisa dipake slm bbrp bulan. Ternyata krn masa aktifnya habis ya (-_-") gubraks deh hehehehe....
Jadilah sedih krn gak bisa ber skype ria, dan telfonan nya jg bbrp hari skali atau sminggu skali...

Well, itulah sekilas suka duka ttg LDR :D

Entah kenapa ya, LDR selalu menghampiri saya. Bknnya sering sich, tapi ya mmg kejadiannya begitu...selalu aja jadi LDR :D spt sama uda ini yg awalnya kita bersebelahan kantor lhoo.. eh baru aja bbrp bulan kantornya sebelahan, jadi LDR juga...

*is it a curse?hehehe bukan juga..maybe I'm the chosen one :)

Dan saat ini lagi seneeeng karena internet nya udah bisaa.. so I can start writing in my blog again :) i think i have a lot of storieesss... mdh"an smakin sering deh nge-blog nya :)

Have a nice wiiikeeen!!



for those who is planning to get married. you might check www.weddingku.com
so many things you can see there, you can find recommendation and especially you can share your thoughts and question in the forum.

You might even get a venue there. if someone given up their down payment :)
also you can ask for catering, souvenirs, wedding dress, etc.

Lots of interesting wedding thing.
Nice forum :)

go check it out, brides and groom-to be :)

wedding thing :)

preparing a wedding somehow stressful enough.. because so many uncertainty..

First you have to find a right venue for your bigday!
You must consider, the location, capacity, facility, and of course availability.

Especially if you want to get married in Jakarta, where people are usually prepare their wedding a year before.. the booked the venue from a year before the wedding. and usually people set the date by the availability of the venue :D

Finding a venue is such a big deal, since after that you can start deciding catering, decoration, invitation and other things,,, so...it's kind of stealing concentration...