I'm gonna have on the job training by sept, 2nd until sept 27th at S.Parman branch (slipi) hopefully it will be a great journey and I can learn a lot.. Amiiiin
Let's rock!
abis itu deg2an deh krn tgl 28 sept pengumuman penempatan pertama.
Smg dpt yang terbaik.. Amiiin
8 more days in-class training
Waaa...gak berasa, training di kelas tinggal 8 hari lagi.
Tepatnya tgl 2 September our batch will start the OJT (on the job training) at Bank's Branches :)
hopefully we'll do great!
ODP 66
- Ready, Steady, Go! -
Tepatnya tgl 2 September our batch will start the OJT (on the job training) at Bank's Branches :)
hopefully we'll do great!
ODP 66
- Ready, Steady, Go! -
First Love :p
Mumpung lagi nulis di Blog... di hari kerja yang tak biasa ini,, hehe biasanya udah tepar langsung tidur nyampe rumah :D
Wanna share something about LOVE :)
(Agaiiiin???) hehe jangan bosen2 yaa..I think love stories has been central part of my life stories *kesannya banyak amat love story, padahal ceritanya itu2 aja..akhirnya juga gitu2 ajaa.. blm ada "and they live happily every after"nya... *
Cuma mau sharing, bbrp hari lalu nonton acara Mario Teguh, dan topiknya tentang Cinta Monyet (bukan cinta sama monyet yaaa) intinyaa dari acara yang berlangsung hampir sejam itu (sayangnya gak tuntas, cm nonton 30menitan krn sesuatu hal) ada kata-kata yang sangat menarik hati saya yang nan sensitif ituu, and it's related about first love, puberty, etc... :P
"yang menarik dari cinta pertama, bukanlah orang yang dicintai... tapi perasaan yang indah atas kemampuan untuk mencintai. Seorang pria, yang untuk pertama kalinya jatuh cinta, merasakan keindahan atas kesanggupan mencintai seseorang, begitu pula seorang wanita yang pertama kali merasa bukan sebagai anak kecil lagi, dan sanggup mencintai orang lain..."
Soo...yang indah itu PERASAANnyaaa SODARA" ;) jreng jreng, bagaikan mendapat jackpot mendengar pernyataan dari Mario Teguh, yang merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan di benakku "why is it sooo hard to forget your first love?" and "what is it sooo special about your first love, when all that you've been doing was wondering about him/her in your dream???"
I finally get the answer.
What is beautiful is the feeling itself.
Not the object,
but the one who feels the love.
The one who falls in love.
That's why... "first love never dies"
as it is sooo hard to forget such wonderful memories, of having the ability to love and take care of someone....
owww, such a sweet thing how Mario Teguh had explained :)
and me just end up smiling remembering that 'first love' of mine :D
*I get over him, I do :p*
Wanna share something about LOVE :)
(Agaiiiin???) hehe jangan bosen2 yaa..I think love stories has been central part of my life stories *kesannya banyak amat love story, padahal ceritanya itu2 aja..akhirnya juga gitu2 ajaa.. blm ada "and they live happily every after"nya... *
Cuma mau sharing, bbrp hari lalu nonton acara Mario Teguh, dan topiknya tentang Cinta Monyet (bukan cinta sama monyet yaaa) intinyaa dari acara yang berlangsung hampir sejam itu (sayangnya gak tuntas, cm nonton 30menitan krn sesuatu hal) ada kata-kata yang sangat menarik hati saya yang nan sensitif ituu, and it's related about first love, puberty, etc... :P
"yang menarik dari cinta pertama, bukanlah orang yang dicintai... tapi perasaan yang indah atas kemampuan untuk mencintai. Seorang pria, yang untuk pertama kalinya jatuh cinta, merasakan keindahan atas kesanggupan mencintai seseorang, begitu pula seorang wanita yang pertama kali merasa bukan sebagai anak kecil lagi, dan sanggup mencintai orang lain..."
Soo...yang indah itu PERASAANnyaaa SODARA" ;) jreng jreng, bagaikan mendapat jackpot mendengar pernyataan dari Mario Teguh, yang merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan di benakku "why is it sooo hard to forget your first love?" and "what is it sooo special about your first love, when all that you've been doing was wondering about him/her in your dream???"
I finally get the answer.
What is beautiful is the feeling itself.
Not the object,
but the one who feels the love.
The one who falls in love.
That's why... "first love never dies"
as it is sooo hard to forget such wonderful memories, of having the ability to love and take care of someone....
owww, such a sweet thing how Mario Teguh had explained :)
and me just end up smiling remembering that 'first love' of mine :D
*I get over him, I do :p*
More Interests
I think product development and marketing are interesting...
Bertambah lagi dehhh,,, minat2:
-Service Quality (still like this subject)
-Corporate Social Responsibility
-Human Capital Services
-Training and Development
-Product Development
-Consumer Card
cieeeh,, gaya yaa kaya udah ngerti aja.. but actually I am more into these social thingy than those with numberss *maklum anak IPS and anak Psikologi*
still a mistery, where am I gonna start my career at the Bank... *cross my fingers*
Wish me Luck!!
Bismillah... :)
Bertambah lagi dehhh,,, minat2:
-Service Quality (still like this subject)
-Corporate Social Responsibility
-Human Capital Services
-Training and Development
-Product Development
-Consumer Card
cieeeh,, gaya yaa kaya udah ngerti aja.. but actually I am more into these social thingy than those with numberss *maklum anak IPS and anak Psikologi*
still a mistery, where am I gonna start my career at the Bank... *cross my fingers*
Wish me Luck!!
Bismillah... :)
Gold Vending Machine
dont know what happen,
udah nulis 1-2 paragraf ehhh explorer nya eror...padahal lagi nulis2 tentang GOLD ATM... yayyy.. sblm mati lagi dan eror, ini nich fotonya:
dont know what happen,
udah nulis 1-2 paragraf ehhh explorer nya eror...padahal lagi nulis2 tentang GOLD ATM... yayyy.. sblm mati lagi dan eror, ini nich fotonya:
kayanya udah gak mustahil lagi kalo sebentar lagi ketemu "kantong ajaib" doraemon atau "pintu kemana aja" hehe agak berlebihan,,,
tapiii kalo jaman dulu kita cuma bisa beli coca-cola, buah, atau snack dari vending machine, gak lama lagi kita bisa beli emas, berlian, permata... *giving gifts will be much easier* hehehe.. :p
what I like about this vending machine:
it's EASY
you can buy gold in this machine
you don't have to go to the market
it's faster
uptodate with the real-time price
jadi kalo mau investasi, sekarang go to GoLD Machine,,, gak usah ragu2 sampe akhirnya uang niat buat beli emas abis... tinggal beli.. 1 gram sebulan, lumayaaaan... setahun udah punya 12 gram.. hehe ;) nice way to invest...!!
Sayangnyaaa...Gold Vending Machine ini baru ada di Dubai sodara2 (dan kemungkinan di German)... entah kapan di Indonesiaaa,, dan karena investasi yang mahal serta segmen kelas atas, mungkin lokasinya hanya di hotel2 mewah...spt hotel berbintang empat, lima, enam sampai tujuh *obat sakit kepala* hehe
Smoga ajaaa cepet terwujud yaa Gold Vending Machine ini di Indonesia... it's soooo cool ;) hehe
if you want to watch more videos:
August Rush
It's august already!
Just about 1 month to finish all the training.
well time is running fast,
Let's just do the best, and let God do the Rest.
I need YOU dear God...
Just about 1 month to finish all the training.
well time is running fast,
Let's just do the best, and let God do the Rest.
I need YOU dear God...
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